PORT DVD Player Noteworthy Slim Line CD DVD User Manual

Slim Line CD/DVD  
Table of Contents  
General Information ......................................................................... page 4  
Safety measures and operating hints .............................................. page 5  
Hardware Installation ....................................................................... page 6  
Device description ............................................................................. page 7  
Software Installation......................................................................... page 8  
under Windows 95/98 ................................................................ page 8  
under Windows NT 4.0 .............................................................. page 10  
Daily use of the PORT DVD............................................................... page 12  
Reference Section.............................................................................. page 13  
Specifications of the PORT DVD ....................................................... page 15  
PORT-Noteworthy Slim Line CD/DVD  
Reliable performance of the PORT DVD can not be guaranteed for configura-  
tions that do not meet the following requirements.  
Hardware Requirements  
In order to use the PORT DVD you need a computer system with the following  
minimum requirements:  
486DX PC or higher  
8 MB RAM or higher, depending on the operating system  
at least a floppy disk drive and a hard disk  
PCMCIA Card interface (type II or higher)  
Software Requirements  
The PORT DVD is set up for use of the following operating systems:  
Windows 95/98  
Windows NT 4.0  
Media Formats  
The PORT DVD reads formats according following CD and/or DVD standards:  
MS-DOS data CDs‘ (High Sierra, Mode 1 & Mode 2 complying with ISO 9660)  
Data – CDs‘ (Joliet)  
Mixed Mode CDs‘  
Kodak Photo CDs‘ (single and multisession)  
UDF (Universal Disc Format)  
Audio CDs‘  
DVD-R, CDI, CD-Midi, CD-R, CD-RW  
The contents of the PORT DVD for PCs includes:  
PORT DVD drive  
an AC Adapter  
a manual  
PCMCIA Card connection cable  
installation software on 3.5“ floppy disk  
Safety measures and user interface  
Safety measures and operating hints  
The tray of the media can be opened in the following modes with the Eject  
button :  
in the running mode (Drive is supplied with power from the PC via PORT  
cable attached to the computer);  
Additionaly, thetraycanbeopenedatanytimeandinanymodebycautious  
a bent paper clip).  
possibly not be moved during operation.  
Operating the device should only take place within temperature ranges of  
10 – 45 °C.  
After transporting the device, especially in low temperatures which can  
cause condensation to form, allow the PORT DVD unit to reach room  
temperature before operating.  
The PORT DVD should not be used in dusty and humid surroundings.  
Use only the included AC Adapter power cable, otherwise damage to the  
unit could occur.  
The PORT DVD should not be operated near other RF emitting devices such  
as consumer electronics as there is a potential for interference.  
source (loud speakers, Port DVD phones etc.)  
placing it inside.  
Never attempt to disassemble, adjust or repair the DVD-ROM drive  
as exposure to laser light or other safety hazards may result.  
This is a Class 1 Laser Product. This product complies with all  
applicable safety standards, DHHS Rules 21 CFR Chapter 1,  
Subchapter J. The laser beam generated is totally enclosed during  
all modes of normal operation, and no hazardous laser light is  
emitted from the drive.  
PORT-Noteworthy Slim Line CD/DVD  
CHAPTER 1: Hardware installation  
1. Turn off the computer and all attached components.  
2. Connect the included power supply cable to the rear panel of the device.  
Do not yet plug the power supply into the power outlet.  
3. Connect the drive connector of the cable to the device.  
4. Plug the PCMCIA Cable into any PCMCIA slot of your computer.  
5. Now, plug the power supply of the device into a power outlet.  
6. Turn on your computer again.  
7. You can now begin installing the software.  
connection to drive  
“Plug&Play” with the PCMCIA Cable for Windows 95/98  
To use the PORT DVD drive for Windows 95/98, primary installation must be  
carried out only once, according to the following software installation.  
ThePORTPCMCIACableisPlug&Playcompatible. IfyouworkwithWindows95/  
98, you can attach the PCMCIA while the drive is in use. Your PORT DVD drive  
then appears under "My Computer". Likewise, you can remove the PCMCIA  
Cable while the drive is in use, by first cancelling it. The PORT DVD drive then  
disappears from "My Computer". To cancel the PCMCIA Cable, click on “Start”,  
“Settings”, “Control Panel”, “PC Card (PCMCIA)”. Highlight the PCMCIA and  
click on “Stop”. The PCMCIA Cable can be removed when the command "You  
may now safely remove the card" appears.  
Device description  
CHAPTER 2: Device description  
3 4  
1 tray  
2 access indicator  
3 CD/DVD-eject button  
4 emergency eject  
selection of the power supply  
Audio out (line out) / headphone connection  
power cord connection  
PCMCIA Cable  
LED display of the operational state  
Please note the following important details:  
The specific mode is indicated by an LED on the upper side of the device; see the  
following table for mode interpretations.  
1. ON/OFF - Switching:  
The PORT DVD will be always on when the unit is plugged into the AC  
Adapter and the switch is in the DC position. When the PORT DVD is not  
plugged into the AC Adapter and it is being powered through the PC Card  
slot then PORT DVD is on as long as the notebook is on, the PCMCIA Card is  
inserted, and the switch is in the "PC" position.  
2. Power supply via AC Adapter:  
The PORT DVD is powered from the external AC Adapter when switch (5) is  
in the "DC" position and the AC Adapter is connected.  
3. Power supply from the Notebook:  
Set the switch to the "PC" position. The PORT DVD will only receive power  
now from the notebook’s PC Card slot.  
4. Playing Audio-CDs  
in Windows. To hear the audio you do need to connect either headphones  
and the Line In of your notebook.  
PORT-Noteworthy Slim Line CD/DVD  
Power display mode of the PORT DVD  
AC Adapter or by the Notebook. The LED-display blinks also, when the power  
supply of the computer is not sufficient. Operation is not possible.  
Switch positions and drive operation  
With the switch "PC" (5), the type of power supply can be selected. Please note  
the points in the Section Device Description on page 7.  
The tray for the media opens after pressing the eject button (3) on the front  
side of the device (abt 1cm), and thereafter fully opend per hand to change  
the media.  
Should you wish to insert or remove a media when the drive is not in stand-  
by mode, you can unlock the tray by inserting a bent-open paper clip, or a  
similar pointed object, into the emergency eject hole (see page 7) until you  
feel resistance (a light touch does it). When pulling out the paper clip, the  
tray is unlocked and can be fully opened by hand.  
CHAPTER 3: Software installation  
Software installation under Windows 95/98  
After connecting your PORT DVD for the first time, Windows 95/98 will inform  
you that new hardware has been found.  
Note: If Windows 95/98 does not display this message, check whether your  
computer's PCMCIA slot has been properly set. Open the "Control Panel" by  
clicking "Start" - "Settings" Double-click the icon "System" and select the tab  
"Device Manager". Under the entry "PCMCIA plug connection" ensure that  
the driver for your PCMCIA slot has been installed and activated and that no  
device conflict is displayed.  
Please observe the various installation procedures described below for diffe-  
rent Windows versions.  
Windows 98  
1. Insert the PORT DVD disk containing the Windows 95/98 software.  
2. Plug the PCMCIA Cable into any PCMCIA slot of your computer.  
3. The dialog box "Add New Hardware Wizard" appears. Click on "Next".  
4. Thenextdialogboxshowsthestandardcommand"Searchforthebestdriver  
for the device". Click on "Next".  
Software installation  
5. In the next dialog box, the search for the driver is carried out. The standard  
command "Floppy disk drive" appears. Click on "Next".  
6. The driver is then loaded from the disk. Click on "Next" to install the driver.  
Click "Finish" to complete the installation.  
7. At the end of the installation procedure, a new icon for your PORT DVD will  
appear with a new drive letter in the folder "My Computer".  
Windows 95b  
1. Insert the PORT DVD disk containing the Windows 95/98 software.  
2. Plug the PCMCIA Cable into any PCMCIA slot of your computer.  
3. The window "Updated Device Driver Wizard" appears. Confirm by pressing  
the button "Next".  
4. Start the copy procedure by clicking "Finish". If prompted, insert the disk,  
click "OK", and then type "A:\" in the space provided and click "OK" again.  
5. Click on "Yes" to restart the computer.  
6. The folder "My Computer" will now have an icon for your PORT DVD device.  
Windows 95a  
1. Insert the PORT DVD disk containing the Windows 95/98 software.  
2. Plugthe PCMCIACableintoanyPCMCIAslotofyourcomputerandcontinue  
with "OK".  
3. Afterthedialogbox"NewHardwareFound"appears,clicktheoption"Driver  
from disk provided by hardware manufacturer".  
4. Confirm the next window "Install from Disk" by clicking the button "OK".  
5. Themessage"Insertdisk"mayappearpromptingyoutoinsertthePORTDVD  
installation disc Windows 95/98. Make sure that the disk is in the drive and  
confirm by clicking "OK".  
6. Anotherwindow"Copyingfiles"showsyoufromwhichpaththeinstallation  
is to be performed. Type into the input box "A:\", whether it is empty or  
contains another entry and then confirm by clicking "OK".  
7. Thecopyprocedurebeginsandyouwillbecontinuouslyinformedaboutthe  
installation status.  
8. Attheendoftheinstallationprocedure,anewiconforyourPORTDVD drive  
will appear with a new drive letter in the folder "My Computer".  
Note: Before you can start the setup program, you must have carried out the  
“Software Installation for Windows 95/98” in point 3.1.  
PORT-Noteworthy Slim Line CD/DVD  
Assigning the drive letter under Windows 95/98  
After successfully completing the installation of the PORT DVD drive, a new  
hard drives). This can shift the drive letter of an internal drive (for example, 'D'  
to 'E'). If this leads to problems, it is possible to change the drive letter  
assignment as follows.  
1. Click "Start" - "Settings" - "Control Panel".  
2. Click "System".  
3. Click "Device Manager" and then click "CD-ROM".  
4. ClickthePORTDVDdrive,andthen"Properties"-"Settings".(Thecurrently  
assigned drive letter as well as the reserved drive letters will then be  
5. Under Reserved Drive Letter enter a drive letter, for example, 'F' for the  
PORTDVD asthe"Startdriveletter"and'F'againasthe "Lastdriveletter".  
6. Confirm your selection with "OK". When you restart your computer, the  
PORTDVDdrivewillbeassignedtheletter'F'inthefolder "My Computer".  
3.2 Software installation under Windows NT 4.0  
1. Insert the PORT DVD installation disk for Windows NT 4.0 operating system  
into your standard floppy drive.  
2. Click "Start", "Run" and type "a:\setup.exe".  
3. When you have accepted the agreement, a new window will appear. The  
setup program suggests "C:\Program\PORTDVD" as the standard default  
directory. (If you wish to copy the files into another directory, click "Browse"  
and enter the path name.) Confirm the chosen folder with "Continue".  
Software installation  
4. The setup program then suggests the entry "PORTDVD" as standard in the  
start menu of the program folder. (You also have the possibility to create  
your own folder.) Confirm the chosen entry with "Continue" and the files  
will then be installed onto your computer.  
5. The setup wizard will inform you of the installation process. Follow the on-  
screen instructions.  
drive letter under "My Computer". Click "Finish" to restart.  
Note: Don't forget to remove the installation disk before restarting your  
PORT-Noteworthy Slim Line CD/DVD  
CHAPTER 4: Daily use of the PORT DVD  
For a description of the PORT DVD, see page 7.  
To insert or eject a media, press the eject button, which is only active when the  
system is ready-to-operate (see page 7).  
When inserting a CD or DVD disc place printed side face up. The disc will need  
to be snapped down over the spindles.  
Please do not touch the underside of the media as any kind of dirt might result  
in read errors or even uselessness.  
AsignificantadvantageofthePORTDVDisitsportability. Byconnectingtothe  
Cable interface it is very easy to operate the drive on different computers. In  
order to do so, it is necessary to install the drivers on every computer as  
described in Chapter 3.  
The computer has to be restarted so that the PORT DVD can be detected.  
Operation of the PORT DVD  
so that the familiar commands such as DIR, TYPE etc. can be used.  
Many CD/DVDs are shipped with their own utility programs which help you  
browse or run programs on the CD/DVD. To use these programs read the  
instructions that came with the CD/DVD.  
To access Photo CDs you need special programs that you can order from your  
software dealer.  
To play audio CDs you can use the Windows 95/98 CD Player application which  
provides the usual CD controls. But you also need to connect to the Audio Out  
jack on the PORT DVD drive. Refer to page 7 for additional information.  
Daily use of the PORT DVD  
CHAPTER 5: Reference Section  
General problems  
If you still have problems getting your PORT DVD drive to function properly  
then please check the following:  
Hardware requirements:  
Does your system meets the hardware requirements? (see page 4)  
Connecting the PORT DVD device:  
Is the PCMCIA Cable correctly connected to your computer and the PORT  
DVD device? Check if the Cable is plugged in correctly. The cable must be  
firmly seated!  
Is the drive getting power? Determine if the medium can be ejected and if  
the device is getting power when the system boots.  
If the PORT DVD is not connected to AC power and you are having  
power problems or problems finding the DVD drive unit, first try to  
use the PORT DVD with the AC Adapter. Stop the PCMCIA Card and  
remove from the Notebook. Connect the AC Adapter and set the switch  
to DC. Re-install the PCMCIA Card into the Notebook.  
If the computer locks up when the software is installed or when running  
software from the disc:  
Do not use memory manager such as QUEMM  
Turn off the computer’s power management  
If there is no sound, check if  
the headphones/speakers are correctly connected  
the cable is damaged  
the volume is up  
the audio software is installed  
PORT-Noteworthy Slim Line CD/DVD  
Technical Support  
us at:  
1-888-970-PORT or 1-330-593-3310  
1-203-866-0221 (Attn: Technical Support)  
Check our web site www.port.com for Frequently Asked Questions and Driver  
Please have the following information on hand when you call:  
the serial number at the back of your PORT DVD and Cable  
the version of your installation disk  
the information on the power cord  
an exact description of the error and any error messages and when they  
the name and model of your computer and any internal hardware  
Can you reproduce the problem at any time?  
Have you had this problem before? If it is a new problem, have you recently  
changed your system configuration?  
Specifications of the PORT DVD  
Average Access Time:  
max. Read speed*:  
Writing Formats:  
DVD-Mode: 180 ms  
CD-Mode: 120 ms  
DVD-Mode: 5,400 kB/s (4x DVD speed)  
3,000 kB/s (20x CD speed)  
Data CD  
Audio CD  
Mixed Mode CD, Photo CD  
Data Buffer:  
256 kB  
6.81“ (17,3 cm)  
5.35“ (13,6 cm)  
0.78“ (2 cm)  
0.9 pounds (450 g)  
Connection to the  
Cable PCMCIA via PC Card slot  
Storage Capacity:  
DVD-ROM type description  
4.7 GB  
8,5 GB  
DVD-10 DVD-18  
Capacity according to  
the manufacturer  
Actual capacity  
9.4 GB  
17 GB  
4.38 GB 7.96 GB  
8.75 GB 15.92 GB  
Written sides  
Layers** per side  
The maximum read speeds are only reached if data on the outer edge of the CD are  
read in constant succession. The actual data transfer rate achieved is also dependent  
on the type and configuration of the particular interface.  
** information-carrying layer  

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