Polaroid Digital Camera Macro 5 SLR User Manual

User Guide  
Macro 5 SLR  
5 SLR  
1 1  
1 2  
1 5  
1 0  
0.2x 0.4x 1x  
1 3  
1 4  
1 6  
1 7  
1 8  
2 1  
2 4  
1 9  
2 2  
2 5  
2 0  
2 3  
2 6  
0.2x 0.4  
L M N  
2 0  
English 3  
In tro d u ct io n  
The Polaroid Macro 5 SLR is a simple to  
operate, fully automatic, portable camera  
designed for medical and dental docu-  
mentation of patient condition, manufac-  
turing, quality control, law enforcement,  
and other applications that require  
close-up photographs. The camera uses  
Polaroid self-developing instant color  
films, so you know right away that you  
have the picture you need.  
The camera produces reproductions  
at: 0.2X (20%), 0.4X (40%), 1X (100%),  
2X (200%) and 3X (300%). The lenses for  
each reproduction size are self-contained,  
so there is no need to attach accessories  
when changing magnification.  
The camera has two built-in electronic  
flash units that provide even illumination,  
and a microprocessor-controlled expo-  
sure system that automatically sets the  
camera for the correct exposure at all  
magnifications. The flash units also can  
be used individually for side-lighting, or  
in combination with auxiliary lighting.  
Other features include:  
Dual-light rangefinder helps you place the  
camera at the proper distance from the  
subject for correct focus.  
Date/time module that allows you to print  
the date or time on pictures.  
Can be hand-held or used on a tripod or  
Grid screen in viewfinder for consistent  
framing of subjects.  
4 English  
Ac c e ss o ry filt e r k it s  
Lo a d t h e b a tt erie s  
Polarizer kit to reduce reflections from the  
flash units when photographing glossy or  
glass subjects (PID No. 619909)  
The camera requires four AA batteries to  
provide power for the ranging lights. Alka-  
line batteries (standard or rechargeable)  
are recommended; rechargeable NiCad  
batteries also can be used.  
The battery compartment is located in  
the handgrip; slide the battery door open  
(2 ); the battery holder will pop up. Un-  
snap the battery clip (3 ) and remove the  
battery holder (4 ). Insert the batteries in  
the orientation shown on the holder (5 ).  
Replace the battery holder, snap on the  
clip and close the door.  
Fluorescein kit for external ophthalmic  
photography includes a #8 yellow barrier  
filter and #47A blue exciter filters (PID No.  
The numbers throughout the text refer to  
the illustrations at the end of the book.  
Important: Remove the batteries and  
store them separately if the camera will  
not be used for an extended period of  
time. Use of the camera in extreme heat  
or cold will shorten battery life.  
Ca m e ra p a rt s (Fig . 1 )  
a Shutter button  
b Right hand grip  
See Battery cautions.  
c Electronic flash units  
d Lens  
e Film door release button  
f Film door  
g Tripod socket (on bottom of camera)  
h Ranging lights  
i Magnification selector knob  
j Battery compartment (inside hand grip)  
k Left hand grip  
l Viewfinder  
m Control panel  
English 5  
Lo a d t h e film  
Th e c o n t ro l p a n e l (1 1 )  
The camera uses Polaroid HighDefinition  
instant self-developing color films. Type  
990 film is recommended; GridFilm and  
Spectra/Image films also can be used.  
Each film pack contains 10 sheets of film  
and a battery that provides power for the  
exposure controls, flash units and film  
motor. These high-speed (ISO640/29°)  
films are balanced for electronic flash and  
daylight (5500°K), and produce positive  
color prints.  
a Power button  
Press to turn on the camera. The flash  
units will begin charging, and the green  
indicators will light up when the camera  
is ready for picture-taking.  
The camera will turn off if the power  
button is pressed again, or after 30 sec-  
onds of inactivity. (Note: The camera also  
can also be turned on by lightly pressing  
the shutter button.)  
b Low battery indicator  
1 Press the film door release button; the  
Yellow light comes on when the batteries  
in the hand grip are weak (the ranging  
lights also will become dim).  
door will drop open (6 ).  
2 Before loading the film, check that the  
film processing rollers are clean. Dirt or  
bits of dried developer on the rollers can  
cause a pattern of repeated spots or bars  
on pictures. Clean both rollers with a soft,  
lint-free cloth, dampened with water if  
necessary (7 ). Rotate the rollers as you  
clean and inspect them.  
c Flash control/status lights  
The red light will blink while the flash  
units are charging; the green lights will  
come on when READY.  
The flash units can be turned on or off  
d Standard PC socket for auxiliary flash  
3 Hold the film pack by the edges, with the  
safety cover facing up (8 ). Slide the pack  
all the way into the camera.  
e Reset button  
This returns the camera to the nominal  
flash and Lighten/Darken settings.  
The camera has a “ memory” and will  
return to your custom settings for each  
magnification when it is turned on.  
4 Close the film door. The safety cover will  
be ejected from the front of the camera  
(9 ).  
The film counter will read ’10’. It  
counts down, to show how many pictures  
remain in the pack.  
f Lighten/Darken controls  
Each setting adjusts the flash output to  
increase or decrease exposure by 13  
To re m o ve a n e m p t y film p ac k  
Open the film door, grasp the tab on the  
end of the pack, and pull the pack out  
(1 0 ).  
g Magnification indicators  
Light up to show the selected  
h Date/time control and display  
Allows you to print the date or time on  
i Film counter  
Counts down, to indicate the number of  
pictures that remain in the pack.  
6 English  
S e t th e m a g n ific a tio n  
Ta k e t h e p ic t u re  
Turn the magnification selector knob to  
the desired setting (1 2 ). The knob will  
click into position at each magnification;  
the camera will not function if the knob is  
between lens settings.  
In addition to the magnification, the  
selector shows the camera-to-subject  
distance and icons that represent the  
approximate area of a subject included  
in the picture.  
Look through the viewfinder, and reframe  
the subject as needed.  
Press the shutter button all the way to  
take the picture (1 6 ).  
The picture will be automatically  
ejected from the front of the camera  
when you release the shutter button. Lay  
the picture down flat or hold it by its wide  
border while it develops. Do not shake,  
bend or squeeze the picture, and never  
cut pictures or take them apart. See  
Caution notice on film box.  
Fo c u sin g a n d fram in g th e su b je ct  
1 Hold the camera at the approximate dis-  
tance from the subject for the selected  
magnification. For example, if taking pic-  
tures at 1X, hold the camera 10 in. (25cm)  
from the subject.  
P ict u re tip s  
When taking portraits at 0.4X or 0.2X  
magnification, turn the camera 90° for a  
vertical format to include the entire face  
(1 7 ). You may want to turn off the lower  
flash unit for more pleasing lighting.  
2 Press the shutter button lightly (13 ); the  
ranging lights will go on. The lights stay  
on as long as the button is pressed. If you  
release the button, the lights go off in  
about 15 sec. Press the shutter button  
lightly to turn them on again.  
Im p o rta n t: Always hold the camera so  
the front panel is parallel to the subject  
(1 8 ). Holding the camera at an angle (1 9 )  
may cause uneven picture sharpness.  
3 Look over the top of the camera; note the  
two ranging lights on the subject (14 ).  
Move the camera nearer or farther from  
the subject, until the two lights merge  
(1 5 ).  
If you wear eye glasses for distant view-  
ing, wear them when using the camera  
for accurate viewing and focusing.  
Lig h t e n /Da rk e n co n t ro l (2 0 )  
The camera is designed to provide the  
correct exposure for subjects of average  
brightness. With some subjects, you may  
wish to make the picture lighter or darker  
to enhance specific details. Each setting  
on the panel indicates an exposure  
4 The viewfinder shows the area included  
in the picture, with the ranging lights in  
the center of the picture. Use the grid  
screen to ensure consistent framing.  
If you have difficulty seeing the ranging  
lights, check that the camera is at the cor-  
rect distance from the subject. See also  
change of 13 f-stop, up to 1 full f-stop.  
Press the light arrow to lighten pictures  
(increase the exposure).  
Press the dark arrow to darken pictures  
(decrease the exposure).  
The camera has a memory and will save  
your custom Lighten/Darken setting until  
you press the reset button to return to the  
nominal setting.  
English 7  
Da t e d is p lay m o d u le  
Fla s h c o n t ro l (2 3 )  
The date display module (21 ) allows you  
to print the date or the day/time on pic-  
tures (2 2 ).  
The two built-in electronic flash units are  
designed to provide even illumination at  
all reproduction scales. You can turn off  
either flash unit if side lighting is needed  
to show texture or elevation. The light  
output from the remaining flash unit will  
be increased to produce the correct  
S e t tin g th e d a t e  
1 Press MOD (mode) repeatedly until the  
desired date sequence is displayed:  
No printing  
Press the flash control once to turn off  
the right flash; press it a second time to  
turn off the left flash; press it a third time  
to turn off both flash units.  
Day/time (24-hour clock)  
Note: An M in the display indicates which  
digit is the month.  
Lig h t in g te c h n iq u e s  
2 Press SEL (select) to select the year,  
Both built-in flash units can be turned off,  
and auxiliary lighting used. The auxiliary  
light is connected to the PC socket on the  
back of the camera (2 4 ). Advanced photo-  
graphers may find it useful to experiment  
with different lighting arrangements.  
month or day (see blinking digit).  
3 Press SET repeatedly (or hold button)  
until the desired digit is displayed. Repeat  
steps 2 and 3 until the desired year,  
month and day are all set.  
The auxiliary lighting must be electronic  
flash — do not use tungsten, halogen or  
fluorescent lights.  
4 Press SEL again to lock in the date.  
S e t tin g th e tim e  
1 Press MOD until the day/time mode is  
displayed. The first set of digits in the dis-  
play is the day of the month, followed by  
the time in hours and minutes.  
The built-in flash can be combined with  
auxiliary lighting.  
Test exposures may be required to deter-  
mine the correct location and settings for  
the auxiliary flash unit for correct expo-  
2 Press SEL and the hours will blink. Press  
SET to toggle through the hours. Press SEL  
again to lock in the hour. The minutes will  
now blink.  
Ou t d o o r u s e  
3 Press SET to toggle through the minutes.  
The camera is designed primarily for  
indoor use; if it must be used outdoors:  
Press SEL again to lock in the minutes.  
4 Press SEL again to lock in the time.  
Select an area that is not subjected to  
bright sunlight, which may cause over-  
exposed pictures.  
S hu t t in g o ff t h e d a t e d is p la y o p t io n  
Press MOD until a series of dashes ap-  
pears in the display.  
Shade the subject from direct sunlight. (It  
is difficult to see the ranging lights in very  
bright light.)  
Note: The date module is powered by the  
battery in the film pack, or by the batter-  
ies in the handgrip. If there are no batter-  
ies or film in the camera for more than 5  
minutes, you will need to reset the date/  
time after replacing the batteries.  
Use the built-in flash units to ensure con-  
sistent exposure.  
8 English  
Grid Film  
Tro u b le s h o o tin g  
Diffic u lty fo cu s in g  
This film has a grid pattern which is  
created during manufacture. The grid  
pattern appears as an overlay on any  
picture taken with the film.  
The pattern consists of 17 vertical and  
13 horizontal lines.  
The ranging lights may be difficult to see  
when using the camera in very bright  
light, or when photographing very dark  
subjects. If you have difficulty seeing the  
ranging lights:  
To help you define location on the grid,  
the vertical lines are identified by letters  
across the top, and the horizontal lines  
are identified by numbers along the left  
border (2 5 ). You can specify the location  
on the picture by a letter-number combi-  
Check that the camera is set for the de-  
sired magnification, and is at the correct  
distance from the subject.  
Look over the top of the camera, rather  
than through the viewfinder.  
Check the battery indicator; if necessary  
replace the batteries in the handgrip.  
Ca lc u la t in g m e as u re m en t fro m t h e  
g rid p a t te rn  
Ca m e ra w ill n o t fu n c t io n : If the battery  
in the film pack is weak or dead, the flash  
units will not charge and/or the control  
panel will not function.  
When taking pictures at 1X magnification,  
each square of the grid pattern represents  
5mm (0.2 in.). The chart below shows the  
value represented by each square in pic-  
tures taken at each magnification.  
No im a g e in vie w fin de r: The magnifica-  
tion selector knob is between settings.  
P ic t u re s t o o lig h t : The camera may be  
too close to the subject for the selected  
magnification. The Lighten/Darken con-  
trol may be set incorrectly. Very light  
subjects may require setting the control  
toward Darken. There may be bright  
ambient light affecting the exposure.  
Ma g n ific a t io n  
Grid s q u a re va lu e  
1 in.  
0.5 in.  
0.2 in.  
0.1 in.  
0.07 in.  
P ic t u re s t o o d a rk : The camera may be  
too far from the subject for the selected  
magnification. The Lighten/Darken con-  
trol may be set incorrectly. Very dark  
subjects may require setting the control  
toward Lighten.  
S ub je c t n o t s h a rp : The camera is at the  
wrong distance from the subject. (Pictures  
also will be incorrectly exposed — too  
light or too dark.)  
P o rtio n s o f p ic t u re o u t o f fo c us , o r  
d is t o rt e d s u b je c t : The camera is not  
parallel to the subject.  
English 9  
Ca re an d Ma in te n a n ce  
EMC s ta t em e n t  
Len s c a re : Avoid touching the lens. To  
remove dust or fingerprints, breathe on  
the lens and wipe it gently with a clean,  
soft facial tissue. Do not use silicone-  
treated eyeglass tissues.  
Polaroid Corporation certifies that this  
product conforms to the following  
S a fe t y: Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC  
EMC: EN55022, Class B; EN50082-1; IEC  
Te m p e ra t u re : The camera and film are  
designed for use at temperatures of  
55-95°F (13-35°C). Store below 75°F  
(24°C). Never leave film or a loaded cam-  
era in a hot area (such as the luggage  
compartment of a car).  
801-2, 801-3, 801-4  
Cau t io n : To prevent electric shock, do  
not remove camera covers. No user serv-  
iceable parts inside. Refer servicing to the  
nearest Polaroid Service Center.  
Ca m e ra s p ec ifica t io n s  
Le n s -t o -s u b je c t  
d is ta n c e  
Le n s fo c a l  
le n g t h  
Effe c t ive  
Le n s a p e rt u re  
Ma g n ific a t io n 1  
0.2X (20%)  
0.4X (40%)  
1X (100%)  
2X (200%)  
3X (300%)  
De p t h o f fie ld  
8.8 in./22cm  
52 in./132cm  
26 in./66cm  
9.9 in./25cm  
4.8 in./12cm  
3.1 in./8cm  
3.8 in./10cm  
0.86 in./2.2cm  
0.31 in./0.8cm  
0.20 in./0.5cm  
1 If the exact magnification must be documented, include a scale in the picture (2 6 ). The scale  
and the subject must be at the same distance from the camera.  
2 The camera contains separate lenses for each magnification. Each lens has the proper focal  
length for minimum perspective distortion and more working space between the camera and  
subject, and a small lens aperture for better depth of field.  
3 The depth of field, or distance zone within which the subject will be in sharp focus, is limited  
in close-up photography. The zone will extend about half its distance in front of, and half  
behind, the point of sharpest focus.  
Note: The camera has a fixed shutter speed of 1/50 sec.  
10 English  
Fre e t e ch n ic al a s s is ta n c e  
Ba tt e ry c a u tio n s  
If you need assistance or additional infor-  
mation about specific applications, call  
toll free at 1-800-225-1618, Mon.-Fri., 8 AM  
to 8 PM (Eastern time). Or, write to the  
Customer Care Center, Polaroid Corpora-  
tion, 201 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA,  
The batteries used in this device may pre-  
sent a risk of one or more of the following  
occurrences: Release of toxic materials,  
release of flammable vapors, rise in  
surface temperature. Do not recharge,  
incinerate or mutilate.  
Replace batteries with same type. Use of  
another battery type may present a risk of  
fire or explosion.  
If outside the U.S.A., contact the nearest  
Polaroid Office. (See list on back page.)  
Warra n t y  
Dispose of used batteries promptly. Keep  
away from children. Do not disassemble  
and do not dispose of in fire. The cell may  
explode. Check with local codes for possi-  
ble special disposal instructions.  
Your Macro 5 camera has been thorough-  
ly tested and inspected before shipment.  
All parts are guaranteed against defects  
in materials and workmanship for one full  
year from the date of original purchase.  
During this period, any such defects will  
be remedied by Polaroid Corporation  
without charge, except for transportation  
costs. The warranty excludes damage  
resulting from normal wear, mishandling  
or accident, and a charge will be made for  
such repairs. The warranty does not in-  
clude the batteries, or damage caused by  
leaking batteries.  
When replacing batteries, replace all at  
the same time. Mixing fresh and dis-  
charged batteries could increase internal  
cell pressure and rupture the discharged  
Ra d io a n d t ele vis io n in t erfe ren c e  
FCC re q u irem e n ts  
This device complies with Part 15 of the  
FCC rules. Operation is subject to the fol-  
lowing two conditons:  
U.S .A.: This warranty excludes conse-  
quential damages.  
1 This device may not cause harmful inter-  
Ou t s id e U.S .A.: This warranty does not  
affect your statutory rights.  
2 This device must accept any interference  
received, including interference that may  
cause undesired operation.  
S e rvice  
Before returning a camera for service,  
contact the Polaroid Customer Care  
Center or the nearest Polaroid Office for  
shipping and service information. The  
camera should be packed in its original  
shipping carton or other sturdy container,  
and shipped, prepaid and insured, to the  
nearest Polaroid Office.  
English 11  
FCC No tice (U.S .A. o n ly)  
Warning: Changes or modifications to  
this unit not expressly approved by the  
party responsible for compliance could  
void the user’s authority to operate the  
This equipment has been tested and  
found to comply with the limits for a  
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15  
of the FCC Rules. These limits are de-  
signed to provide reasonable protection  
against harmful interference in a residen-  
tial installation. This equipment generates,  
uses and can radiate radio frequency  
energy and, if not installed and used in  
accordance with the instructions, may  
cause harmful interference to radio  
communications. However, there is no  
guarantee that interference will not occur  
in a particular installation. If this equip-  
ment does cause harmful interference to  
radio or television reception, which can  
be determined by turning the equipment  
off and on, the user is encouraged to try  
to correct the interference by one or more  
of the following measures:  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the  
equipment and receiver.  
Consult the dealer or an experienced  
radio/TV technician for help.  
EMI No tic e (Ca n a d a )  
This digital apparatus does not exceed  
the Class B limits for radio noise emis-  
sions from digital apparatus set out in  
the Radio Interference Regulations of  
the Canadian Department of Communi-  
P o la ro id Offic e s a n d S e rvic e Ce n t e rs  
Afric a  
De u t s c h la n d  
Mé xic o  
P u e rt o Ric o  
Polaroid (Europa) B.V.  
J ozen Place  
Northdowns Office Park  
17 Georgian Crescent  
Bryanston East,  
J ohannesburg,  
South Africa  
Polaroid GMBH  
Sprendlinger Landstrasse  
63069 Offenbach, Germ any  
Tel.: (49-69) 840 4100  
Fax: (49-69) 840 4 204  
Polaroid de México S.A. de  
Paseo de la Reform a 195,  
Piso 17  
Polaroid Caribbean  
Centro de Seguros  
Ave. Ponce de León 701  
Miram ar, Santurce 00907  
Tel.: (1-809) 725 6240  
Fax: (1-809) 725 5462  
C.P. 06500 México, D.F.  
Tel.: (52-5) 703 1111  
Fax: (52-5) 566 0505  
Del interior al 91 (800) 70  
Ea s t e rn Me d it e rra n e a n  
Tel.: (27-11) 463 1434  
Fax: (27-11) 463 3171  
Ru s s ia  
Polaroid Athens Office  
Signeon Agioplastron 11  
15125 Maroussi  
Athens, Greece  
Tel.: (30-1) 680 7165  
Fax: (30-1) 689 6292  
Ventas 91 (800) 70 747  
Au s t ra lia  
Leninski Prospekt 70/11  
Moscow 117261, Russia  
Tel.: (7-095) 938 1407  
Fax: (7-502) 224 2128  
Mid d le Ea s t  
Polaroid Australia Pty. Ltd.  
1315 Lyonpark Road  
P.O. Box 163  
North Ryde, N.S.W. 2113  
Tel.: (61-2) 9 950 7000  
Fax: (61-2) 9 887 2209  
Polaroid Dubai Office  
J ebel Ali Free Zone  
P.O. Box 16806, Dubai  
United Arab Em irates  
Tel.: (971-4) 816 879  
Fax: (971-4) 816 503  
Es p a ñ a  
Schw eiz/Suisse/Svizzera  
Polaroid (España), S.A  
Calle Orense 16, 2a planta  
28020 Madrid, Spain  
Tel.: (34-1) 597 02 52  
Fax: (34-1) 597 27 82  
Polaroid AG  
Hardturm strasse 133  
8037 Zürich, Switzerland  
Tel.: (41-1) 277 72 72  
Fax: (41-1) 271 38 84  
Be lg iq u e /Be lg ië  
Ne d e rla n d  
Polaroid (Belgium ) N.V.S.A.  
Rue Colonel Bourg 111  
Kolonel Bourgstraat 111  
1140 Bruxelles/1140 Brussel  
Tel.: (32-2) 702 86 20  
Fax: (32-2) 726 92 99  
Toll free: 32 78 155 905  
Polaroid Nederland B.V.  
Zonnebaan 45  
3606 CH Maarssen  
Tel.: (31-30) 241 0420  
Fax: (31-30) 241 1969  
Fra n c e  
S lo ve n s k á Re p u b lik a  
Polaroid (France) S.A.  
12 Bis Ave. Gay Lussac  
La Clef de Saint-Pierre, B.P. 7  
78996- Elancourt Cédex  
Tel.: (33-1) 30 68 38 38  
Fax: (33-1) 30 68 38 39  
Polaroid, o.z.  
Budova Incheby  
Viedenská Cesta 5  
852 51 Bratislava, Slovakia  
Tel.: (42) 7 80 24 85  
Fax: (42) 7 80 24 21  
Bra s il  
Polaroid (Europe) B.V.  
Hoge Bothofstraat 45  
7511 ZA Enschede  
Tel.: (31-53) 486 5050  
Fax: (32-53) 486 9905  
Polaroid do Brasil Ltda.  
Av. Paulista, 177611º andar  
Cerqueira Cesar  
São Paulo Capital  
Tel.: (55-11) 285 6411  
Fax: (55-11) 287 5393  
Ho n g Ko n g  
S u o m i  
Polaroid (Far East) Ltd.  
32/F Windsor House  
311 Gloucester Road  
Causeway Bay  
Tel.: (852) 2894 0333  
Fax: (852) 2895 1382  
Polaroid Oy  
Sinikalliontie 10  
02630 Espoo, Finland  
Tel.: (358-0) 502 35 33  
Fax: (358-0) 502 35 50  
Ne w Ze a la n d  
Polaroid New Zealand Ltd.  
24-26 Anzac Avenue  
Ca n a d a  
S ve rig e  
Polaroid Canada Inc.  
350 Carlingview Drive  
Etobicoke, Ontario  
M9W 5G6  
Tel.: (1-416) 675 3680  
Fax: (1-416) 675 4245  
Toll free: (1-800) 268 6970  
Tel.: (64-9) 377 3773  
It a lia  
Polaroid AB  
No rg e  
Polaroid (Italia) S.p.A.  
Via Piave 11  
21051 Arcisate (Varese)  
Tel.: (39-332) 470031  
Fax: (39-332) 478249  
Ekholm svägen 36, Box 204  
127 24 Skärholm en,  
Tel.: (46-8) 710 08 50  
Fax: (46-8) 740 73 68  
Polaroid (Norge) A/S  
Industriveien 8B  
1473 Skårer, Norway  
Tel.: (47-67) 90 47 10  
Fax: (47-67) 90 51 73  
Ce s k á Re p u b lik a  
J a p a n  
Ös t e rre ic h  
Polaroid Prague  
Cistovicka 44  
16300 Prague 6  
Czech Republic  
Tel.: (42-2) 302 2829  
Fax: (42-2) 302 3242  
Nippon Polaroid  
Polaroid (U.K.) Ltd. &  
Polaroid Export Operations  
Wheatham pstead House  
Codicote Road.  
Kabushiki Kaisha,  
Mori Building No. 30  
Toranom on 3-2-2  
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105  
Tel.: (81-3) 3438 8811  
Fax: (81-3) 3433 3537  
Polaroid Ges.m .b.H.  
Eitnergasse 5A  
1231 Wien, Austria  
Tel.: (43-1) 869 86 27  
Fax: (43-1) 869 81 00  
Wheatham pstead  
Hertfordshire AL4 8SF  
Tel.: (44-1582) 63 2000  
Fax: (44-1582) 63 2001  
Freefone: (800) 010119  
Ch in a  
P o ls k a  
Ma g ya ro rs zá g  
Polaroid of Shanghai Ltd.  
2200 Yan An Road (W),  
Suite 1001  
Shanghai International  
Trade Center, Shanghai  
Photographic Supplies  
00-901 Warszawa, Poland  
Tel.: (48- 22) 279086  
Fax: (48- 22) 266236  
Polaroid Budapest  
Ram ocsa u. 13  
H. 1118 Budapest  
Tel.: (36-1) 246 2033  
Fax: (36-1) 246 2030  
U.S .A.  
Polaroid Corporation  
Cam bridge, MA 02139,  
Tel.: Toll free  
Tel.: (86-21) 275 1124  
Fax: (86-21) 275 8784  
P o rt u g a l  
Polaroid (España) S.A.  
Sucursal em Portugal  
Edificio Monum ental  
Avenida Praia da Vitória,  
71-A 4º B, 1050 Lisboa  
Tel.: (351-1) 316 10 49  
Fax: (351-1) 316 10 56  
Ma la ys ia  
Da n m a rk  
Polaroid Asean  
Polaroid a.s.  
No. 8, J alan 51A/227  
46100 Petaling J aya  
Selangor Darul Eshan  
Tel.: (60-3) 777 8577  
Fax: (60-3) 777 8600  
Blokken 75, 3460 Birkerød  
Tel.: (45-42) 81 7500  
Fax: (45-42) 81 7026  

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